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Hotels spend roughly $7.5 billion on energy expenditures every year, yet the typical hotel room is vacant approximately 70 percent of an average day. Lighting and HVAC costs represent two of the largest uncontrolled operating expenses, but they don't need to be, if you have a hotel energy management system.
The Hospitality intelligent automation platform allows you to develop and deploy targeted solutions that dramatically reduce energy consumption, improve operation efficiency with truly measurable results and create a more comfortable customer experience.
Demand Response
The installed and commissioned automated demand response program provides the latest in technology for optimizing energy usage during the stages of demand response, ensuring facility responsiveness. This technology can ensure a reliable and swift functionality. An energy rationing approach, especially during peak periods, allows facilities to respond automatically, temporarily controlling energy usage. Targeted energy consumption during demand reduction events assists in meeting incentive payments and cost reductions.

Load Control
An Energy Management system’s capability to remotely control power consumption in high capacity buildings has proven to be an effective operating application, which does not affect the customer’s day to day business needs. The simple shift of reducing energy consumption to periods of lower demand can dramatically influence energy cost savings. In addition, an enhanced guest experience can be achieved through controlling room lighting ambiance.
Big Data
Our team has the experience in analyzing the information that generates from your Energy Management System. This data can provide insights into your facility’s energy consumption trends and expose patterns that can determine causes of energy waste and other system issues. Through the use of analytics that can anticipate a facility’s energy functionality, companies can improve decision making and implement an accurate strategic plan.

Occupancy Based Room Controls
A smart management of temperature and light
Your energy management agenda starts at the door. Here’s how saving energy through occupancy detection could work for your facility:
The door contact switch signals the room’s thermostat, which acts as the “information center” that the room has become occupied, immediately adjusting temperature, welcome lighting and drapes adjustment. A Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR) continues to detect occupancy, assuring that the desired temperature is maintained. Conversely, shortly after detection of room vacancy, the door switch will return the room to an increased energy saving level, with the temperature effectively stabilizing at a predetermined, unoccupied state.
The team will work closely with you to structure and implement an energy management system that works best for your facility. Expertly installed and commissioned room energy controls can provide revenue savings of up to 30 percent per room, per year.
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